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The Equality Act, implemented in 2010, ensures legal protection against discrimination, harassment and victimisation, be it in the workplace or in the scope of public services. This includes healthcare, transport, retail, dining, and entertainment venues, as well as dealings with public bodies such as local councils or government departments. Everyone has the right to equal treatment and the liberty to express and practise their beliefs and values. Discriminatory abuse takes place when an individual is targeted or treated unfairly owing to their distinct attributes. This abuse can take multiple forms, characterised by attitudes, sentiments or behaviours that discriminate against an individual.
Discriminatory abuse can be exhibited in many ways, such as:
Indicators of discriminatory abuse may include:
The Equality Act requires public bodies, including councils, hospitals and publicly funded service providers, to consider how their decisions and policies impact individuals with protected characteristics. They are also required to provide evidence demonstrating their compliance with this mandate.